My latest journal pages( check out and try the photo mono printing, if you want me tp post a tutorial on photo mono printing, just leave a comment,)
First of have a lovely summer!!! The warm weather has just kicked in for good where I live, so i hope this will open a whole new door to my creativity: getting inspiration from the great outdoors.
But for today I want to bring you all the creative things that have been passing my mind lately. first of all this amazing video by journalgirl, about reflecting on your day is super inspiring when you need a topic to journal about and it has already made my art journal more true and juicy.
Click to make the above image bigger, it was inspired by her video:
Then these two links have a lot of potential: how to make flowers to use in art and a magazine canvas. Check them out.
The photo mono printing journal page is also my Grid page prompted by GPP Street team prompt. I just created a grid around my photo mono print, which I had doodled on and then in each grid a drew, doodled or wrote the first thing that came into my mind. This was a cool exercise.(click on the yellow journal page at the top to get a bigger picture).
To finish off some ideas on my todo list:
1. a journal page in red
2. create a zine about animal rights
3. make and use some homemade clay
4. Make some artists trading cards
5. Art outside on my secret journal house(i will be sharing my slow progress soon.)
Have fun!!!
One last question to every one plaese leave a comment with the answer, I will post a comment with my answer in it:
What is your all time fave art supply and why?