Thursday 9 April 2009

OMG My Question was answerd on CRAFT .com!!!!!!

This week's question is about fusing plastic bags:

I was watching threadbanger last week and saw the episode on ironing plasticbags to a laptop case, which was so cool, I wanted to make one for myself. But when I tried, the plastic just either would not couplettley fuse or it got all wrinkly and not usable, so I gave up. Then I thought I would ask craft if they have any tips on which plastic bags to use, what heat to put the iron on and other hints and tricks so I can successfully fuse plastic bags!

Please helpMakealife
From Switzerland

Well, I certainly do have some tips! Here at CRAFT we're huge into plastic bag crafts! First off, there's Bre's video above with Anda from Etsy showing you exactly how it's done. She says the temperature will vary based on your iron, but somewhere between the polyester and rayon settings will probably be best. And don't forget to use wax paper to surround your fusing plastic! It won't stick to the iron that way. I also like her tip of turning printed bags inside out so the ink doesn't melt all over the place. Etsy also has a photo tutorial you should check out on this process. I hope these two places help you with your problems! Perhaps the plastic bags you're using are different than the ones commonly found here in the US? Best of luck to you!
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