Today my friends came round. We didnt really know what to do , so we all sat down and started collaging.I grabed my art journal and they got some paper.Then we started cutting images and words from old magazines and used some papers from my patterned paper collection.The last thing we also used is neolcolour II crayons.Above one of my friends did her picture.
My other friend made a weird but cool collage body person and then played round with neocolour.While doing this we chattted and listened to music.Its so much fun doing art with your friends.You can get ideas from each other, learn new techniques of your friends.Have some drinks and biscuits handy and get everyone to bring some music.This could easily be done at a party to.
And last but not least here is mine.First i gave the background colour with crayons and then added images and paper.
So if youre bored just call your friends for a lil crafting/art(working):)
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